If your stores were audited tomorrow for safe & legal compliance, how long would it take you to produce your evidence and how confident would you be that your data is reliable?
If your answer was anything more than “a few minutes” and “not very”, then this guide could be invaluable to your business operations.

If you are reading this guide, you are probably striving to consistently provide a clean, safe, high quality shopping experience for your customers. You aspire to a smart, digitised logbooks solution that provides enhanced, agile, constantly monitored processes and enables you to demonstrate continuous compliance, with your safe & legal regime.
What’s more, you want to improve productivity, generate cost savings and mitigate business risk. If this resonates, then you recognise that the completion of paper based logbooks is an expensive, people intense process that is difficult to manage, open to misinterpretation and full of easy to ignore processes. Consequently, measurement and reporting is difficult, as is the validation of compliance with your safe & legal processes.